Thanks mm94! Yeah it has... and no offense, (because there are a lot of kids, er, 'young enthusiasts' on here who think flashing a hundy means something)... unless you have adult/"I work in a career where I can actually buy things" type money... I don't wanna touch the subject. I hope you understand.
I actually have cash. And it was merely a question asking what the price range was. Btw, have you heard of Shapeways? It may be a good outlet for sales if you decide to go more commercial with this.
Hey thanks man, I've actually ported a few clients' work through Shapeways because it/they were metal print/s. They have a great turn-around time. But for stuff like this, not cost effective. And I honestly didn't mean any offense. Just the facts man, couple examples; This helmet, if say a client commissioned me, would have been over 3 grand... A guy who claimed he had "DEEP pockets" wanted a quote for a full custom 3d print/ vacuum-form combo Titan armor & the reality was it would have been upwards of 17-18 thousand. He turned tail & ran. I make good money as a Production Designer, stuff like this I do for fun & for the passion of it :) (& most people can't afford me)
I can repesct that. And I am glad you've heard of Shapeways. Not many people have. I like looking at the stuff on there.