So with Bungie Day coming up soon what do you think will happen? With Deej saying it will be something everyone can enjoy(Which really dosen't mean anything) I'm guessing another Alpha but this time on all systems. Even though the chances of this is minuscule at best, it would fit. The reason I don't believe it will be a Collectors Edition is because that costs money. If you don't know when Bungie Day is it is July 7th.
Q. How long will the Beta run for, and what do we get to play? Truth be told, we’re still locking down the final details as we speak, dotting the t’s and cross-mapping the i’s. Most of the big rocks are in place, but if you have an eye for detail (and I am told that our community does) then you’ve likely already picked up on some of the clues “carefully hidden” away at Still sort of vague, I know. It’s almost as if we’re planning to drop all the information you need, and more, ahead of Beta on an auspicious date in the very near future. Q. Will Destiny have a Collector’s Edition? It’s almost as if we’re planning to drop all the information you need, and more, ahead of Beta on an auspicious date in the very near future. (Sort of vague, I know.) -from the Bungie weekly update today