This clan is for followers of Shrek who accept that he is all powerful and mighty.Anyone who thinks otherwise will become an enemy of Shrek and this clan.
The first and second people to join this clan will become the prophets of Shrek;the prophet of love,and the prophet of life.These people will have power over our sheeple and will be Shrek's representatives outside of the swamp.
Every three days I will bring a message from Shrek to the members of the clan.These messages could warn us of impending doom,or inform us of a holy visit.After the message is received,all members of the clan must chant the holy words"Shrek is love,Shrek is life".
If there is an unexpected visit from Shrek,one member of the clan will be offered to him as a sacrifice.Shrek may have his way with the sacrifice for three hours,after the three hours the victim will more than likely be dead,but it will be worth it for Shrek will bring us gifts for our hard work.
No Farquads
No Alcohol allowed on the premises.
No flash photography of our lord.
Do not struggle whilst Shrek is with you,he does not like it.
No anarchy.
Members may tell other people about the clan,but only if they are devout followers of Shrek.
Contact me if you require more information about this holy clan and its followers.