This thread is inspired by another: view original post
I think that it's a great idea, because of the following reasons.
1) Time is money
2) There is no number 2, because number one is all that I need to write to convince a person with half a functioning brain.
Hell no, if I spend 300 hours in a game to get a bad ass gun, some mother fuc[u]k[/u]er better not be able to buy it for $10. It would ruin the entire experience.
Is everyone forgetting that amazing feeling of playing a game and achieving something you tried a long time for? Finding that awesome gun, getting that cool emblem, etc? All gaming has come down to now is "BUY THIS AND YOU CAN WIN EVERY GAME!!! 100% GUARANTEED!!!!!! NO STRINGS!!!!"
What the f**k did you just -blam!-ing say about microtransactions, you little b!**#? You think you can get away with saying that $#! to me over the Internet? Think again, f***3r. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your f***ing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will $#!t fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re f***ing dead, kiddo.
Microtransactions are grotesque.
Not gonna happen. Bungie wants players to earn their shit.
#Destiny ?
That goes against the philosophy that Bungie have behind the weapons and gear in Destiny, particularly the exotics - they want every exotic weapon to have a 'story' behind it. It wouldn't be much of a story to say, "Oh yeah, there was a sale on, so I got my crazy shotgun for £0.99".
Hell NOOOO! [spoiler]really you got to be insane or trolling[/spoiler]
I also have another idea. [spoiler]#Destiny[/spoiler]
I would love to add this is Density.
You'd best be joking because this thread made me mad.
your thread was inspired by another thread that was done by a troll.....
Long face already did this mate
Kill yourself