Disclaimer: I know this is probably not going to happen. It's just an idea I had which I think would be really cool.
Now, I know how that sounds. Of course the Beta comes out before the game, but what happens if the events of it predate the setting of the game?
I think that would be a great idea. That would make it so the Beta wouldn't spoil anything while still giving players a taste of what to expect. Our characters (and only the characters, not the gear) could transfer over to the full game when it launches. That would make everything, even the Beta, based in the lore of Destiny.
A Grimoire card stated that we, the Guardians of Light, are actually dead. So if at the end of the Beta we all died, we could hypothetically be brought back in the new game (depending on how it starts that is).
This is all just speculation and theory, but tell me what you think. I don't actually think it's going to happen (I hope it would), but I think it's a cool idea.
Edit: I'm just going to explain my idea a bit more. It wouldn't have much, if any new content other than dialog. It would simply just take place before the game. All the enemies with "??" would be our "research projects". We would find out basic information and feel like it's a big deal. That information would be public knowledge in the full game "because of us". It would make sense on how our character transfer over, unless the beginning of the game is us being turned into Guardians.
Definitely an interesting idea. Sadly it would be a technical burden to Bungie tho. But I like the idea of the whole "lore" thingy. Like... some people would become storytellers of the times "before the release" ^^