Just look at that video even for a few minutes, sure the NFL gets hits similar to that but they have pads.
Rugby players get broken bones or even Knocked out on the pitch and stand back up after a few minutes.
Some extra info
[url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/rugby-league/24481185]It's the toughest sport in the world[/url]
[quote]Leeds Rhinos full-back Ben Jones-Bishop once played 25 minutes against Wigan with a cracked skull, Great Britain's Paul Deacon fractured the roof of his mouth in a 2005 international against New Zealand and Warrington Wolves prop Paul Wood played on with a ruptured testicle, subsequently having it removed. [/quote]
[quote]International rugby league players lose more playing time through injury than any other sport - 220 hours per 1,000 compared to 112 in American Football, 80 in ice hockey, 40 in football and 10 in cricket. [/quote]
[url=http://www.shoulderdoc.co.uk/article.asp?article=1551]Rugby Shoulder Injuries - Prevention & Screening[/url]
[quote] John Wilkin wrote in February 2010 “the new GPS system which we wore during the Four Nations attached to a man bra under our shirts consistently showed us that we were taking impacts of 10g’s and upwards during a match. The gravity force of a car travelling at a 100kms per hour that comes to a stop in 0.2 seconds is 14.2g’s and we don’t have airbags.” As you can see the forces involved in rugby tackles is equivalent to a car crash.[/quote]
Keep in mind Rugby union is a softer version of Rugby League because it has less tackles.
[quote]ruptured testicle[/quote] Ooooooohhhhh.... That must have hurt.