[url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/27/army-vets-blast-pc-police-for-attacking-apache-chi/]So apparently some people think naming the AH-64 an Apache is racist.
Sure, not like Indian Chiefs blessed it or anything.....
Will someone please think about the Chinook Indians?!?!
I think that what he suggests takes it too far, but I do see what he is saying. It may be that he is trolling for a point. Trying to spur thought on why we name things what we do. To sum up what he is saying: We name our most badassed weapons after Native Americans to make the NA's seem more badass. Like they were worthy opponents, and we were fought hard to win our country. When in reality the Native American's fell to a wave of soldiers, trickery and disease. That they hardly put up a resistance, let alone a fight. What he is saying is that we should be ashamed of what we did to the Native Americans, and not white wash it by naming deadly weapons systems after them, to make them seem more worthy an opponent. This, in my estimation, goes too far though. While the national psyche should have a bit of shame for what the country did to the NA's, that legacy is all the Natives have left. Take it away, and all they have is the feeling that they weren't a proud people that fought hard, but a battered spouse sitting in a shelter. One that isn't going to be helped. I guess that even pride based on a lie is better than no pride at all.
The Comanche helicopter?
People get offended by a lot of things now
What about the Iroquois helicopter?
Did you just hear your sentence?!
Edited by Mmmmm Napalm: 7/2/2014 2:28:03 AMThis is hilarious.
Machine guns and Missiles...
Redskin could be a derogatory term. Literally all of these are actual names. Are they saying their own real names are insults to themselves?
We could name it the tribe rpist and use it to move squatting Indians
Edited by Orion: 7/2/2014 2:20:12 AMWell so what? Be offended. What do these people expect is going to happen? Nothing. Nothing happens when you get offended. It's the most pointless, least constructive claim ever made by anyone. F[i]u[/i]ck people, seriously.
It seems like this is the meat of the argument: [quote]Why do we name our battles and weapons after people we have vanquished? For the same reason the Washington team is the Redskins and my hometown Red Sox go to Cleveland to play the Indians and to Atlanta to play the Braves: because the myth of the worthy native adversary is more palatable than the reality — the conquered tribes of this land were not rivals but victims, cheated and impossibly outgunned. The destruction of the Indians was asymmetric war, compounded by deviousness in the name of imperialist manifest destiny. White America shot, imprisoned, lied, swindled, preached, bought, built and voted its way to domination. Identifying our powerful weapons and victorious campaigns with those we subjugated serves to lighten the burden of our guilt. It confuses violation with a fair fight. It is worse than denial; it is propaganda. The message carried by the word Apache emblazoned on one of history’s great fighting machines is that the Americans overcame an opponent so powerful and true that we are proud to adopt its name. They tested our mettle, and we proved stronger, so don’t mess with us. In whatever measure it is tribute to the dead, it is in greater measure a boost to our national sense of superiority.[/quote] While I'm usually happy to don my PC cap, I can't say I agree with this.
If the group that it refers to say it's not racist then it's not racist. Things are only offensive if you want it to be offensive
I say we fill feminazi sites with shit posts related to the indians.
Why would Indian chiefs bless it?
Just the Apache? Not the Chinook, Iroquois, Kiowa, Black Hawk, or Lakota? Come on, you feminazis, go big or go home.
Wow.....they've gone full retard.
Edited by Progo: 7/2/2014 1:57:46 AM*Progo is Native American by US and Canadian law* This is beyond stupid, the Apache heli is a compliment to the tribe. What next, will tomahawk missiles be banned? People should be getting their knickers in a knot over why we kill other humans, not over the names of what we do it with.
Isn't this supposed to be like an honorable thing? Like they're saying "this armed vehicle is as dangerous as an Apache warrior" This is a compliment...
>Is partially Apache Native Nah Army bros, you're good. /thread