Hey guys, so I preordered from Walmart a few days ago. I didn't receive an email with a code from them, so today I sent Walmart support a message asking about it. Their rep said that "this code offer expired in January" and so they will not be sending me a code.
Am I screwed here? I mean, yeah, I could cancel my preorder and get the game from a different retailer ... But I really want that free shipping, not to mention less hassle.
Is there any way Bungie would send me a code, like if I could provide proof of purchase or something? I was under the impression that everyone who preordered would get a code, which is obviously at odds with what the Walmart guy said.
wat do?
Hi there, To get a beta code, you need to preorder from a [url=http://www.destinythegame.com/wheretobuy]participating retailer, while supplies last.[/url] If your retailer is unable to give you said code, I'd suggest you cancel your preorder and go with someone else. [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/View/Bungie/coderedemptionfaq]Bungie's Official Beta FAQ[/url] will give you the specifics. As far as Bungie giving you a code? No can do mate. Has to be through a retailer. One you obtain the code, you'll need to redeem it over at [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/User/coderedemption]bungie.net/beta.[/url]