originally posted in:Art and Stuff
I made a few desktop and iPhone wallpapers for you guys! The design above is "The Traveler's Stag." It symbolizes a guardian who is flying solo, just you and your ghost. More in links below.
[url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/181/0/1/the_traveler_s_triad_by_hylacola-d7ogffp.png]The Traveler's Triad[/url]
[url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/182/9/b/the_taveler_s_astronaut_by_hylacola-d7oseem.png]The Traveler's Astronaut[/url]
[url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/184/d/d/old_school_guardians_by_hylacola-d7p2174.png]Old School Guardians[/url]
[url=http://hylacola.deviantart.com/gallery/50014118/Destiny-iPhone-Wallpaper]iPhone Wallpaper![/url]
If you want a custom wallpaper let me know!
Please Like, download and enjoy!
Hi, can I use this image for my youtube channel? I love it!
I'm using the Titan one I got from a friend. Now the desktops are cool! Thx
Bumping because your effort deserves more attention.
I really really like this. You should totally make a mobile version for the traveler one though!
I need some Dead orbit wallpaper Bad!!!can you give me a fix?
Great work, dude. Astronaut one's particularly cool.
That old school guardians one was really cool. Thanks a lot!
Dead orbit please
Seven seraphs faction wallpaper pls
Nice job!
Very nice art-job. Well done.
Nice wallpapers, just a little something to get me hyped for the beta. Thanks!
These are great! :) thanks so much!
Edited by TeslaDoc: 7/4/2014 2:38:09 AMThanks a bunch. Putting one on my phone right now! Great work!
Fantastic! Thanks
Great wallpaper! Thank you
I'm a HUGE fan of this art style and Destiny! I must share these with my friends. Great work and keep it up :D
Edited by Big John: 7/5/2014 6:56:00 PMDestiny Moon Landing is unquestionably my favorite.
A seven seraphs that would be great keep up the great work
These are pretty awesome, I like the Astronaut with the Lawnmower...
Loving it
The iPhone wallpapers are cool, but no FWC wallpaper?! O.O
Beautiful art my friend! Good job
I'm using "Glass Titan" right now. :D
I LOVE your iPhone wallpapers! Please may you make more iPhone 4 covers, please?