originally posted in:ReClaim Gaming
Hey All. Nuns N Gunz here looking to add some members to Malicious Intent's Roster, (MAIN), for our PS4 side of Destiny. We are a Clan of Mature, active gamers who enjoy meeting Game goals through Communication and Teamwork. We have a clan website set up (very mobile friendly as well) and a community text chat on mobile. We Require all interest parties to be a minimum of 18 years old and to have a working headset/microphone. Anyone interested can Drop a message in here or message me on PS4. PSN:[b]Nuns_N_Gunz[/b]
Thank you all for your time and interest in Malicious Intent!
You've got balls posting that on my clans page
Desperate more like
Just saving any quality players from what will likely be a waste of their time, like community service.
The only waste of time I see is being 4th in command on a non bungie site for a lackluster clan with virtually no members. Your website is a free board hosting site littered with ads and viruses. And you claim 18+ but there's no way to ID on the internet. So good luck with your "mature clan" my friend.
Look at this guy, exactly the type of people no one wants to play with. A bungie group does not count as a clan website, and is also free. You have no idea of my rank within my community nor my responsabilities. We have at least 30 members all of which meet our community requirments. No I'd check required, the presence of a job, family, and just a mature demenor are all easy ways to determine age on the internet. I've used the following to easily determine your a child. Now quit crying and if you find anyone over the age of 18 with a working mic/headset that doesn't want to join a mass recruit clan of ignorant children, just send them my way please.
A full background check just to join a clan of crabby old men? This just keeps getting more and more hilarious haha ×D
You've already embarrassed your self son, if you are any direct representation of your clan or the quality of members in it your clan is already set to fail. Seems I picked the perfect place to advertise.
Advertise? You mean grovel at my feet begging for crumbs. You sneak in univited and lack the balls to approach me directly and I wouldnt have had a problem, however I had to find you like a cancer hidden among all these hundreds of comments. Are you really that pathetic and desperate for attention? In that case, dont worry bud I will send some people your way, Im very charitable and enjoy helping those less fortunate. You have the perfect clan name for a group of lonely bitter trolls, Malicious Intent, LOL. Good luck with your clan my friend.