Nice creative repurposing of an area. Wonder if one can pass though the shield when it's active?
Yup! They did that in the gameplay demo.
But can they pass back out? The way they were describing it like thunderdome makes it sound like you're trapped.
Edited by lonepaul2441: 7/5/2014 7:50:15 PMThis could be win or lose for territories, which is awesome.
KoTH on this map. Dear god...
i'm having flashbacks to the days where dropshield was actually allowed in oddball on reach
avoid the middle or somebody can trap you.....then your screwed as the king.
Oh my god, are you serious? The only reason most of you dislike this already is because it changes a bit of the map. You haven't even played it to see how it works. It can provide for some good teamwork communication. Your teammate calls for help whilst he's being surrounded in the middle. Your teammate then can activate this shield to help you out. That is, if it works like a bubbleshield. I say it's rather interesting. I like map interactions. And for everyone who hates it solely for it not being like [i]the original[/i], you can still play it in its original style. Geez.
Edited by MrR46: 7/6/2014 2:26:32 AM[quote]You haven't even played it to see how it works.[/quote] People who say things like this are idiots. What, just because YOU have no capacity for foresight, that means nobody does? How ironically closed-minded that is. Get out. That said, I personally don't care about this Ascension shield thing either way, because I'll probably never play it. Ascension sucks to begin with and anniversary gameplay will be inferior to original.
[quote][quote] anniversary gameplay will be inferior to original.[/quote] How close minded that is.
Oh look, it's the village idiot from pre-Halo 4.
My immediate concern is that it will make Ascension play like Snowbound or Epitaph. Shield doors were great in concept, not at all in practice.
Why not? It provides great cover. Especially from grenade spam.
And snipers.
Looks more like a big bubble shield to me.
Same principle. People camping inside it with Shotty, popping in and out so you can't kill them. Happened with the Bubble Shield too sometimes.
The problem for that strategy with this map is control. You can't activate the shield and camp for more than a few seconds - one minute at the very most. In order to effectively shotgun camp in there you need to: -Secure the shotgun -Hold the middle -Have a teammate constantly cycle the shield -dodge return fire between shield deployments That sounds like map control to me. I love how 343i are using one of my favorite maps, Zanzibar, as inspiration for a lot of their maps.
It doesn't look like the shield lasts long. And there's just one shotgun. And why would you go near a guy with a shotgun anyway?
Yup. =/ Guess we'll find out! Maybe 343i can disable it too.
The only problem I have with the shield is it can slow the game down like armor lock. You can be fighting someone and the shield comes on and you have to fight multiple people while the person in the middle can pop in and out of the shield.
... that's not directed towards me, is it?
No. More towards the people who instantly hate everything that isn't familair to them.
I showed this to a friend who loves halo 2 and he wants to buy the MCC already.
Good ol 343 ruining everything they touch.