How will bungie make it fair for those people who sweat and bled for legendary and exotic gear vs those who have rare or uncommon gear. It just didn't feel right for me when we could take our gear from the story to pvp and not have any limitations to it. A gun like red death with kick ass in pvp. With the right armor pieces, you could be a fookin legend in pvp.
It's not going to be OP. The damage for all guns I the crucible are the same. Any weapon of the same type does the same damage as any other weapon of the same type regardless of level. For example. Two scout rifles, one that is exotic one that is common will do the same amount of damage as long as the impact rating is the same. The only other difference is the special upgrades.
Bungie has indicated indicate that all weapons and equipment will be fairly level/balanced for PVP. The high end stuff might offer a slight advantage but I would think if you are decent with PVP, you won't know the different playing against someone who had. There is another thread in the forums where someone explains what Bungie will like do to weapons to put all on more equal footing.