originally posted in:Halo Archive
Hurr is there forge world? What about is 1-50 coming back if not what will the ranking system be? We dont want gay leaderboards we have htr. And developer leaderboards never delete cheaters boosters etc. Give us league play, 1-50 etc. I swear every panel for 343 is filled with retards asking stupid questions. You remake h2 you better not make me go on your stupid website to check my rank.
Same goes for every panel in existence.
Lol scripted questions
You're telling me this is scripted?
Edited by Deleted User: 7/5/2014 11:40:45 PMNo 343s panel. They know what we want. Introduces man who created halo 2 mp screams intensify. We want no aas we want a 1-50 not halo reach v2 or halo 4 v2 we want an arena shooter that brought 500,000 on at one time in 07-08. We are sick of hearing the same scripted questions at e3 rtx comiccon etc. Industry veterans dot cate about hurr durr forgeworld. Give me the tools to be the best in the world and in Canada.
Ah, I misunderstood. They confirmed they'll be using a 1-50 ranking system like Halo 2 but didn't go into any further detail.