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originally posted in:Halo Archive
7/6/2014 7:23:43 AM
[quote]Bungie has around 500 guys now. Development at a smaller level was a lot different back then. Especially during the development hell that Halo 2 was.[/quote] So they didn't know how to prioritize [i]then[/i]. Okay. [quote]To prove you have no idea what the hell you're talking about because you didn't watch the stream.[/quote] What does Warfare or whatever it is have to do with campaign being more broken than multiplayer? [quote]You sound like someone who didn't play Halo 2 on XBL until after it's first update. Halo 2's MP at launch is regarded as one of the worst Halo multiplayer experiences ever created.[/quote] Default Reach and Halo 4 are worse, and Halo 2 is regarded one of if not the worst Halo [i]campaign[/i] experiences ever created. [quote]The absolutely horrid balancing, bullet spread, and terrible netcode combined made an absolutely horribly experience that wasn't fixed for months. For christ's sake, the BR was a 6 shot kill and had the spread of an SMG.[/quote] And yet, campaign was somehow even worse. [quote]Also, a couple glitches? I think you're downplaying it. These glitches that the community likes are unacceptable from a dev standpoint. [/quote] That's nice. [quote]On what basis? Your subjective opinion fueled by the nostalgia for Halo 2's MP?[/quote] The reasons I outlined before, about the flood having broken kill ranges and royally -blam!-ing up the game's framerate on higher difficulties, about Uprising and Quarantine Zone being half-finished, the brutal lack of playtesting... that basis. [quote]--------------------------------> The point Your head[/quote] Okay, squeaky.

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