So I've been watching this guy on youtube and he keeps several species of wasps as pets, he even free handles them like they're a small lizard or furry animal.
So has this guy got balls of steel or does he have a few screws loose?
Usually, you have to be a little crazy to be brave.
Wasps are assholes, just like you, Raven.
[i] [/i]
Meh, I bottle feed a Tiger before and had a panther sit in my lap
A few balls loose.
All my nopes!
Those two often go hand in hand, OP.
Can't people develop an immunity to those things? If not, then he's a much braver man than me. I would flail violently if a wasp ever landed on me.
I don't see what's wrong with keeping bugs as pets. Heck it looks more entertaining than fish.
I used to handle bees as a kid. When I would help out with packing fruit during my breaks I pet and held them. Allowing any to crawl any place they'd like over my skin. But wasps? That's another ball game. I don't trust them not to get pissed off and jab me multiple times. No way Jose
He secretly eats them.
A bit of both.
I wonder how many times he's been stung. I also wonder if he has a special way to prep his insects before holding them.