Seriously they say the NSA have helped prevent terrorist attacks (Not gonna argue that) thanks to the information tapping (Arguable) and yet just now they are going into Dark net to get criminals in there.
Now correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't they technically know how the criminals are? They have their information by mobile phone, CCTV, house phone and for the few idiots the Internet.
Sounds to me like that information is pretty much useless.
NSA's goal is to make money and get more power. There was a working prototype called [i]Thinthread[/i] which could effectively sort out the information needed to find terrorists and criminals without infringing on people's privacy. They decided to scrap it and go with something called [i]Trailblazer[/i] which ended up costing a ridiculous amount of money and it failed at catching criminals and terrorists. Look up Thomas Andrews Drake.