I've been wondering, if one of the forums on B.net were to royally piss off 4chin and they retaliated in the way they did Dumblr how would they fair?
Would they immediately fall apart like Tumblr did?
Edit: changed the parameters of the discussion to include the other forums on the site.
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 7/7/2014 10:54:58 PMI like to think that we would pin whatever we did to piss them on Density, then watch as Achronos nukes that cesspit. But, if they declared war on the entire site, I still think we'd be fine. We've lived through Cena, Jane, and quite a few lesser known shockposters; we've seen all the crap 4chan could throw at us. Density and Gaming might not fare so well...