Xbox users only get [b]4 days[/b] of[b] [u]beta[/u][/b] access, how dare Bungie give xbox users only 4 days when they didn't have to give xbox any days at all!
Xbox users supported Bungie from the beginning! Halo fans deserve recognition! All because they beat Halo on legendary! They played all the Halos even though it has nothing to do with Bungie anymore! So therefore xbox users deserve more than the new guys.
[spoiler]You where given a choice xbots, Bungie or Microsoft and you chose poorly. Now stop bitching like entitled little brats [/spoiler]
FYI - Making a thread stating how annoying Xbox players whining over the beta is in fact (this may shock you) annoying. Users like you are just fueling this conflict even more. I feel as though most of the people spreading all this hate back and forth (Xbox vs PS fanboys) aren't even old enough to play Destiny even if it is rated T. Xbox may have been snubbed but again it's just a beta? Not like it's going to transfer over; the game is literally 2 months away. Grow up guys.