Hello, brothers. Recently the PS4 gamers have been sitting in the lap of luxury with Bungie. However, I believe they've over extended their stay. Bungie has seen fit to give them certain rights, rights that us Xbox gamers did not receive. Clearly the system is corrupt. It benefits only the 60-70% who bought a PS4. My name is Shes Magic and this is my campaign to stop the oppressors.
Us Xbox One gamers are being excluded from enjoying basic human rights such as freedom to participate in the beta for longer than like 4 days, exclusion from DLC (a similar system was placed in effect by Adolf Hitler), and exclusion from participation in the alpha. Are the voices of the 40-30% not equal to those of the 60-70%? Is this the message that Bungie wants to deliver to the Xbox fanbase? Was it not we that supported them and brought them to the top? Was it not we who stayed loyal to them even through Halo: Reach? Do we not deserve equal treatment like the PS4 gamers? These are questions I implore you to think about carefully before posting.
Us Xbox gamers must rise up against the oppressor. We must deliver a message that they will not soon forget. That is why I've created this plan. On September 9th, 2014, we must strike back. We will occupy the servers of Destiny. Our voices will be made loud by the use of our Microsoft™ gaming headsets. We will not leave until our demands are met. While you are occupying the server, remember to know your rights as a Destiny player. If a moderator asks you to leave the server, inform them that it is a public server and it is your right as a Density player to stay in such server. I encourage you to film all encounters with moderators. Those who are meant to protect us have swayed from that original goal.
Remember to get #OccupyDestiny trending on Twitter! Also, we're selling some shirts on eBay so if you're interested just hit me up.
tl;dr: PS$ sucks, #occupydestiny
BUNGIE ARE [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] YOU ARE SO RIGHY
Lol funny post, but no, just no :)
Honestly this sounds like sarcasm and satire. It's as if Mr Colbert wrote a monolog about Bungie and Destiny. I mean how would you occupy the servers? That would mean buying the game. Wouldn't it be more effective to boycott or sign a petition? In any case I commend you on your attempts to rally the people forth.
Edited by Kylestien: 7/8/2014 8:19:16 AM...I'm not gonna say whether or not I'm for or against this plan, but it does not work. Point 1: To occupy Destiny, you must [i]buy [/i]Destiny. This is counterproductive since it means they get the money anyway. Point 2: The servers are for different consoles. You could occupy the Xbox One servers but it would do no good since you are not occupying ALL of the servers. Point 3: How will make your voice heard. There is no chat vocal or typed. If you want to make your voice heard, you need a better plan. Like, you know, not buying the game and getting others to not buy it. And that's not supposed to be a insult like "Don;t buy the game if you hate them loser" or anything. Part of the [i]point [/i]of makng a game is to make money. By GIVING Bungie and Activision your money for Destiny to "occupy" it,[b] [i]you are directly supporting their actions here.[/i][/b] In short, either against it or not, you need a better plan. (; [spoiler]Did not realize it was a joke at first. Guess I should read more. Either way serious or not my point still stands. [/spoiler]
Honestly, all these threads are good examples of how self-entitled and whiny xbots are. I didn't believe that was true but now I see it with my own eyes. So glad I'm not a part of that community. Kinda sad how all you Xbox people make hateful posts when bungie is doing so well in welcoming the PlayStation community into their game. So, thank you bungie for making me feel welcome while most of your community, those "loyal bungie fans who've been supporting you from the start", hate on you and us, PlayStation gamers. "Loyal bungie" fans come across as spoiled children whose parents have a new baby and now they're jealous. Stop, please. Just enjoy the fact that destiny is two months away.
At least you got Halo and Titanfall Can't touch this
What a cry baby whore
Edited by LoganNoFingers: 7/8/2014 7:19:55 AMOne of the daftest things I've seen on this forum. I'd advise you to have a nap, sleep on it and when you wake tomorrow, or a few days time, I guarantee you'll be back on the destiny hype train. It'll do you some good to just stay clear for a few days. Posts like this are great for a laugh though, keep it up if you so wish :) Good troll post though :) I wasn't sure at first - good job :)
Edited by dudeware: 7/8/2014 6:28:37 AMFirst off this post is hilarious. 10 interweb points to you. Now what do you mean by occupying the destiny servers? You mean playing the damn game right lol. Because that's not bringing down the "oppressors" that's called support. What I advise you simple minded Xbox players to do is to cancel your pre-orders, and go play some call of duty.
You can sit and occupy all you want. I will be enjoying the game to its fullest on my 360, kicking arse and shooting guns n stuff. Damn hippies
PS users get about 5$ of extra content and four more days in the beta. I don't think that means we need rebellion...
Hier kommt der weinerlich Hündinnen, bringe hervor ninja Gerechtigkeit!!!!!!!!
Good god almighty. Entitled crybabies. Get a life.
Wir müssen die trolle mit feuer töten.
...The -blam!- is this? -Normal Xbox Gamer
Well though out. Original. Went the extra mile. 10/10 - would like to see troll again. Well done!
Edited by SnypaX77: 7/8/2014 6:15:28 AMSo the movement will be buying the game and playing it then? Yeah, okay, even as a PS4 user I can join in on that.
This crap is getting ridiculous. Smh
I'll bring the tents and picket signs. inb4TiananmanSquarealloveragain