We, as a community, need to fix whats been going on here. As I previously [url=http://http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=66006585&path=1]said[/url] , Community debates have existed forever on this site. I believe these debates are healthy for the game and its growth and progression. Whats happening here and now isnt healthy or productive for the growth of the upcoming game, Destiny. These are arguementative debates that are probably more suited for a different forum.
We need to make the "DESTINY" forums about: The Crucible, Raids, Co-op Strikes, The Tower, The Traveler, Weapons, Armor, Abilities, Vehicles, Gameplay modes, Classes and subclasses, the Alpha, the Beta, [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTTx-gTU-ePcxHLpF15l8hA]MoreConsole,[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkmAjbIecTIjTQctolYeuDw]Datto,[/url] and on and on and on.
The Xbox vs Playstation debate can go on and anyone that would like to continue this debate can be happy to do so, but I think these conversations should be moved to a separate forum.
Please like this post and maybe we can get the moderators to move those posts to a new forum.
Yes please