originally posted in:Bungieball
[i][u][b]DO NOT PM ME[/b][/u][/i]
I'm composing a user template to show how each and every one of you beautiful little people are to be portrayed in the event that you are included in a comic.
You can draw your own or request that someone draw one for you instead.
If you choose to draw your own, make sure to follow Death's [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_How-to-Bungieball/en/Groups/Post?id=66066237&groupId=113418]guidelines[/url]. [url=http://i.imgur.com/BWNtjLW.png]Here[/url] is an illustrated tutorial. Please try to keep everything within the actual ball.
No more props, no tails, wings, feathers etc.
[u]I will ignore your post if you submit one.[/u]
I will not edit any submissions, they must adhere to the rules if they are to be processed.
I still don't have one.
Do mine now
druh muh
Edited by Banned n3rd: 7/9/2014 4:02:34 PMCan I get mine changed to this? Also, I would be willing to handle some requests for you if you get too many.
Edited by Elbow Macaroni: 7/9/2014 3:46:26 PMHow would I ever draw my picture? If somebody can... Draw me pls
Waifu Master is king of soffish. Make Waifu Master with soffish and body pillow.
So... Many... Requests....
How'd I do?
I'm just a blue ball with a 7 on it cause my emblem
Edited by abba61: 7/9/2014 2:18:18 PMI'm on vacation at the moment so I do not think I have the time to do this (internally screaming bloody murder) so if you ever get around to it just drop the hawk onto a Red Cross over a black ball... Not to hard actually. If I can do it I will but... My cousins make it hard to do anything -_-
....So who's gonna be our Isreal
Since I will never be able to draw my emblem, I'm gonna have to request one. Rifle on back plox
Mine might be too difficult
Here is [url=http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u250/erkyo/SeventhColBall_zpsbc1362fc.png]Erkyo's take on me,[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/SkTJWLY.jpg]and here is mine.[/url] Either one will work.
Someone draw one for me.
I'm a weeaboobie. That's easy.
Heyyy Mine's probably too complex Just do an evil guy with a wizard hat and black beard We'll call it good
Idk you can make me a talking compass always pointing (NIIB uP) North
Edited by kopalt: 7/9/2014 2:55:21 PMPls someone make me one, I'm useless at this sort of stuff. If anyone would do it I request just a simplified version of my avatar. Red eyes!
draw meh pls
I will attempt.... ... Do I get an "at least you tried"?
Imma be comin' back to this later. Gonna make myself a round Moonbaby.
Edited by Failure4Life: 7/9/2014 12:41:02 PM[url=http://imgur.com/GGRwzq0]Done in MS paint if you aren't a fan of semi-regular shapes.[/url] I tried, I'm sure you could refine this. EDIT: I just checked... There is seriously a rulebook on this? Ehh... It's not worth redoing if I can't wear my cone like a dunce cap.
Edited by SexyPiranha: 7/9/2014 1:15:40 PMPls? *Looks at emblem* Never mind. ._.
Can I get one made? Lol
I don't have the skill to make my own, so any chance someone want to do a bungieball of me, please?