originally posted in:Bungieball
You don't have to make one of me, I tried making one of SW last night, it didn't come out looking much like a ball though.
It looks good, but doesn't really fall in under the rules. Would you like me to try and make him as well?
I figured he fell under the special character category DE4TH mentioned, but if you can make a better one be my guest, I love this whole Bungieball idea, I just haven't had scenario/time to make one yet.
For zolt, do you want your coup or reach avatar?
My coup is just the Dota 2 emblem, if you insist on making one of me, I suppose an Italian flag on a ball would suffice.
Just and Italian flag?
I love it, I guess just the flag, I don't think there is really that much that defines me on the forum.