In light of recent Grimoire discoveries in the ALPHA, I wanted to share a couple of my thoughts that I'm not sure have been brought up yet.
[spoiler]This thread mainly asks the question of whether there are any links between the [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=LIxxsw7TNd4]Official E3 Gameplay Experience Trailer[/url] and [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=jS1BM9XRgvw]Law of the Jungle[/url] trailer. Also discussed is the debatable subject of whether Guardians' have the ability to recall their previous lives.[/spoiler]Please respect others wishes to remain outside of the conversation and their decision to explore Destiny's mysteries at their own pace.
In the [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=LIxxsw7TNd4]Official E3 Gameplay Experience Trailer[/url] and [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=jS1BM9XRgvw]LotJ[/url]• trailer, we can see past the father reading to his son, out through the window is the City. The spotlights shine upon the underbelly of the Traveller hanging silent in low orbit.
Now, we know that Guardians are the 'Chosen Dead.' They are ancient fallen warriors, brought back to life by Ghosts after centuries of searching. So from that we can draw the conclusion that the child this man is reading to is not a Guardian. A Guardian is in some regards like John Spartan from the masterpiece classic: Demolition Man, starring Sylvester Stalone and Wesley Snipes. A Guardian has no living relatives, they are not born and bred, they are made after death, centuries after their time.
So this offers up a couple interesting possibilities. Some of which are fairly obvious regardless, those will be hidden in spoilers.[spoiler][b]A[/b])
It is possible that this man or his son died at some very early point in the Post-Golden Age, after the city had been built. This would allow for a few hundred years to pass before this particular Guardian's reanimation, which we can assume falls in line with the beginning of Destiny.
These are dream sequences and the actual fighting in the trailer take place hundreds of years after the bedtime story.[/spoiler][b]B[/b])
A far fetched possibility -and may I emphasize how unsupported this is by anything other than speculation- is that the dream sequences take place in [i]a[/i] city built during the Golden Age.
It is said that the Traveller visited our planets, doling out sweet space magic across the solar system. It's not clear whether this was only a transitory phase to spark earth-life supporting environments but it could be logical to assume that the Traveler made stops along the way.
Such periodic behavior would create population centers that would further human exploration. These could be (some of the) the great cities that are referred to being built during the Golden Age.
It would then be logical to assume that these stops above planets' surfaces became thriving hotspots of scientific and cultural progress. Every location the Traveler took rest over might have become a metropolis where humans gathered, studying its magicks and serving as a focal point for humanity, a traveling capital for science and the arts, if you will.
The further progressions for either scenario are also interesting and coalesce and overlap somewhat.
An alternative outcome is that the father once was a Guardian. He is flashing back to an earlier time in his life that he recalls as a good example of the solidarity he is trying to express to his son (or this is the sons actualization of his fathers words).
This [i]could[/i] be more than it seems, this could be a bedtime story told after the events in Destiny, after the victory of humanity. A war worn Guardian, remembering a time from the the beginning of the events playable in the series.
It's possible that Guardians lead relatively 'normal' lives but to me the ideas put forth in [b]B[/b] seem deeper and more interesting.[/spoiler][b]B[/b])
The father in Law of the Jungle could be a citizen of one of these aforementioned hypothetical Golden Age metropolises. He could be speaking to his son who would later die in battle and become reanimated.
Or the father could be the Hunter we've seen.
And here is where it gets weird:
I think it's possible that the father is one of the astronauts in the [url=https://youtube.com/watch?v=LIxxsw7TNd4]OE3GET[/url].
Imagine this man was part of the expedition that made first contact with the Traveler. Remember they are somehow affiliated with the military, note the slung rifles. If human lifespan was tripled, it is also possible he lived up until the point of the collapse, when he would most likely have had some active role in the fight. And now think that it is unclear [url=http://media1.gameinformer.com/imagefeed/screenshots/Destiny/Character_Creation_Screenshot_6.jpg]whether or not Guardians are restored to their form at death or their peak physical form[/url].
I think this would be an curious tie in.
*[i]Spoiler for people who like to scroll and look at comments before jumping into spoilers[/i]*[spoiler][url=http://destinynews.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/06-B9JmVBW.jpg]There is still the question of whether Guardians can remember their previous lives.[/utl] So [i]all[/i] of these possibilities fall under a bizarre curiousity. It's possible none of these flashbacks are relevant to these two men's lives in the way we all assumed before we knew Guardians were reanimated. So the nature of the lesson being taught to the son is not necessarily linear in the sense that the son [i]must[/i] be our LotJ Hunter. There are a multitude of possibilities laid out.[/spoiler]Those in the know probably can see why this is piquing my interest and might interest you as well. Although this is all mostly far fetched, I have been waiting for a connection to arise between trailers. I do not think the obvious discrepancy between our updated knowledge of the lore and these flashbacks in LotJ are accidents. Thus I think there can be some conclusions drawn from what's been put forth in the new trailer, despite how limited it was relative to illuminating this discussion.
Please respect others wishes to remain outside of the conversation and their decision to explore Destiny's mysteries at their own pace.
Yea I rather enjoyed reading this. Solid theories.