Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix
prone = camping = CoD
That would be bad. I do not want people propagating like that. It's also not Bungie's style.
Please god NO...
Prone yes why not (as long it's not in pvp) drop shot no there's a reason why I'm sniping in destiny and not bf (I'm horrible at drop shot kills besides this game is not mention to be realistic)
First off in real life everyone would hear you find and kill and if you're a Titan then getting back up would be pretty
Since when is this game realistic?
Don't feed the troll.
Wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy? Don't get me wrong I know its a sniper thing but its pointless in this game. Prone is for better aiming. This is an undeniable fact...... but I use sniper rifles as a special weapon. At no time was I thinking man my reticle is going ballistic I need prone.
Its supposed to be a heroic imaged shooter, not CoD suckers playground :/
The only benifit I could possibly see from prone is in single player long range sniping, or multiplayer camping. Both of those options take away from the fluidity of the game which is most likely why it was not added.
They should only add prone if you have a sniper equipped and while your actually using it, keep people from drop shoting.
It's also not realistic if you can go instantly to prone then instantly back up. You should take 2-3 seconds to get up off the ground and back to your feet if you were able to go prone. Sound fair?
This is a stupid idea, it's not call of duty
You are a guardian of the last safe city on earth. The only hope in our time of despair. The light that must burn back the darkness. What the -blam!- are you doing laying down?
Call of Destiny: Prone Warfare
Let's add 360 quick-scoping while we're on subject!!!
Terrible idea
Edited by l CIII l: 9/6/2014 12:20:02 AMGuardians only lay down when their dead...
Drop shots only work in Call of Doody and no one wants a great game like Destiny to fall into the depths of CoD.
Go back to COD peasant,
Cant be stealthy without prone
.... xD.