Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix
You've clearly gone incoherent at the result of a botched lobotomy
Dude just stop. Master Chief doesn't prone, but he's still a badass.
Not sure if decent troll (6/10) Or just stupid
You know i played at least 14 hours of the alpha and i do not recall ever having this problem, I feel like this games vibe just makes prone unnecessary for the game to have it
Dont need prone, you got slide do0d
Is this what this forum has become?
Prone? Wow, you are clearly in the wrong place.
No, guardians are not cowards they do not drop shoot. Go play cod!
[quote]Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix[/quote] The problem with this "brilliant" suggestion is that they may just listen. They did create a 5sk with bloom after all.......
*Sigh* I'll get the petition. . .