Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix
No if I want that I'll just play battlefield 4
No if I want that I'll just play battlefield 4
you won't be able to stay still long enough for prone to be worth it.
If you have time to lay down in Destiny, you're not playing right... just saying
Your grammar is terrible.
This is a laughable thread.
Edited by Sovereign ^_^: 9/4/2014 8:21:55 PMTypical CoD player, please stay out of our game. Also people need to stop resurrecting retarded threads like this
The squeak is strong with this one.
Prone is a reserved feature for military style games. What need would there be in prone on a game like this? You aren't meant to be hiding in the grass lol. You should be running around showing the uglies what they are up against.
Not sure if trolling, or actually serious.... SlideShotting is as close to a drop shot as you'll get laddy...
and add headglitching cuz CoDz da bezst!!111
No prone and no dropshot. Bungie wants Destiny's PvP to reward movement and tactical thinking. Not whoever can do the best job of hiding and ambushing people.
Edited by Silentce: 9/4/2014 8:40:15 PMEdit> 4/10
It's not a mechanic that Destiny needs. Prone gives people more incentive to just hide on the edge of the map and snipe.
So which one needs prone Desnity or Destiiny
This isn't COD, there isn't really a need for Prone other than to camp on people.
Eh. I think I'm fine with no prone. Also, there's not that much grass to go prone in within the Crucible and in the story/exploration modes, it's not really needed.
Why would you need to prone?
Edited by Jok3s: 9/4/2014 8:02:49 PMDropshot in Destiny. [spoiler]Is this hell..[/spoiler]
I agree. Only so I can bring the "sexy man pose" over from Battlefield. If you couldn't tell. I'm joking.
How do they sleep? Is this the price of resurrection?
We can slide, so…
Go play call of doody