Let me pose a few reasons to put your "betrayal" woes to bed.
Here are a few reasons as to why ACTIVISION & Bungie have made the deal with Sony to bring content to their consoles first. Also major reasons as to why PS owners get the beta first.
1. Activision has made a deal with sony over which platform gets content first. The reason companies do this is to promote their game on the platform they think will sell the most copies. Playstation has the largest GLOBAL install base. Guaranteeing more players means more money!
(Xbox players know what a bungie game is like, and Activision is confident in the halo faithful to follow whatever bungie does next.)
2. PS players get the beta first because sony platforms and Sonys networks are uncharted territory for Bungie (as much as we would like to think they know everything about they don't... Yet lol). They created and mastered the online matchmaking system on xbox live. they need all the extra time they can get to work out kinks that come with a less than proven gaming network (PSN).
3. It's a few days guys! I will be playing on XBL and waiting with the rest of you. This isn't betrayal... It's business. We are still getting the game we paid for... If you want to cancel your preorder over a few days of a beta (that you didn't pay for. It's a test, not a final product.) then this whole community will be better off without your tears and moaning.
If your first reaction to this is anger.... Please go read some self-help books that can teach you some reasoning and self control techniques. Video games are not worth getting upset over.
To think bungie is sitting in their office, laughing wildly, wearing a big foam finger that says "screw xbox" is silly... You need to understand that they have things they need to achieve to make sure their game gets into the hand of as many players as possible. I have talked to many PS owners that have no idea what destiny is. They need a chance to play a bungie game... And bungie just so happens to need to run a lot of tests on Sonys networks to make sure their game works flawlessly, (and Activision wants to make as much money as they can by pulling in a completely untapped market for bungie games)
Also, as much as we would like to think.... "Just turn on all the severs and let us play at the same time!" I don't want bungie to be distracted with managing all 4 consoles right out of the gate. I want PSN gamers to get bungie's undivided sever tweeking attention, because trying to launch a game this big (every mode has social interaction) on all 4 home consoles has got to be really really difficult. Not saying dice had it all together, but BF4 multiplayer was pretty bad for about 6 months. <- edit X2
Just calm down and understand that bungie loves us xbox gamers, but they need to welcome a new crowd and give them a good experience!
Be understanding.
Either platform - if you agree with this mindset, Please reply and show that this community is better than what it has been showing for the past few weeks!
Welcome to the party PLAYSTATION! <- edit
;) (play-stay-tion)
People need to gain this perspective. And start sharing their own thoughts!
Sorry for the long read :-P
In defense of the whiner crowd, it originally said it would end at the end of the 26th.