originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Last month I called upon artists of all skills to create maps, and they certainly did!
Irish Liberty stole the FIRST PLACE with his [url=http://i.imgur.com/BqmgyFA.jpg]stunning visual of an in-game map for Destiny[/url]! Enjoy your $25 reward of Bungie Swag.
In second place is wizewizzard87 with [url=https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/103737925137665779843/albums/6029106923920903201]his awesome animated map of the solar system.[/url] $10 in gaming currency, spend it wisely.
In third place, Wahine808 with [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/173/a/4/destiny_traveler_light_map_by_wickedwahine808-d7nj8pa.jpg]a sweet Destiny mash-up.[/url] Have fun with that $10 gift code, buy ice cream? [I like strawberry]
I wish I had a prize for everyone, and each submission impressed me, so here they are :)
Plain Ed [url]http://www.filz.us/files/6a8ee1dc/294/old_russia.gif[/url]
Plain Gamma [url]http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t240/gammaf88/imagejpg1_zps132631e2.jpg[/url]
MVP Alive [url]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/174/c/f/onward_to_the_vault_of_glass__by_hylacola-d7nprcc.png[/url]
GOBbluth89 [url]http://i.imgur.com/zOh6jdG.jpg[/url]
SnazzyGent [url]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12339/wizardmoon.jpg[/url]
Special thanks to [b]OutHouse[/b] and [b]Lady Azure[/b] for sponsoring the second and third place prizes :)
wow XD i really missed a compo? what's happening to me XD
Thank you guys, makes me really happy as I'm returning from a "one of those days" at work... Thank god for DE4TH's Bungie Balls to keep me laughing through the madness. [url]http://www.bungie.net/en/Groups/Post?id=66101768&groupId=113418[/url] All the entries were great! Big "Mahalo" as they say here to Progo, Lady Azure and OutHouse for their time/effort to do these. Enjoyable every time! And I want to thank my mom, my art teacher, and my cousin Ricky... lol [spoiler]I like ice cream but I think I'll go for an Xbox movie rental. Been wanting to watch Raid Redemption for a year :)[/spoiler]
Great entries! Nice work guys and girls.
Congrats winners!
All the entries were definitely unique in their own way. Great to see to turn-out.
Grats everyone! awesome stuff.
Wow, these are all great! Nice job to everyone!