Just one more day tail the whalkend.
ITT: Discuss the qwhality of your day and how you plan to spend your whalkend.
But it's already Saturday...
I am hungry, so hungry. I think I will Krill me up some Killer Plankton.
These whale puns man. They're krilling me.
Thank you holy Space Whale
Who doesn't love Space Whale?
Those… puns.
Decent, even better with these threads.
My girlfriend of 1 year dumped me… ;-;
I have a pool party to go to.
Eh....just got back from work. :/
Thanks whale! You have a good day too. <3
Whale, after work today, I gotta sweep my floors at my house. Then I can chill. Tomorrow I gotta drive a bit to go look at apartments near the university for fall. When I get back home, i'll probably play some Dota2 with friends(!!!). Then I get on ESO. Sunday, there's church, and some more house chores.
I'm going whaling.