Should I wait for Alpha and Omega or get X and Y ?
Anything else I should know about the series in general ?
So if Pokémon are like wild animals do they ever show them eating each other or eating people and do people eat them?
Go buy a Gameboy Color. Play Silver/Gold/Crystal, anyone will do. Never look at Black/White Get hyped for the new Ruby and Sapphire (っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Alpha and Saphire. The originals gen three was my favorite and I might get my 3ds out to play the sorta "remake"
If you have a decent enough computer (anything above 300$ should work) you can emulate Soul Silver/Heart Gold, which are, uncontestedly, the best in the series. I'd start with those. However, if you own a 3DS, you can play it on that as well. As for X/Y/OR/AS, if you don't have anything to play between now and November, pick up X/Y. But otherwise, I'd just wait for ORAS. Hope I've helped, Snake.
Why would you want that cancer
1. Get an emulator. 2. Download every single -blam!-ing pokemon game you see. 3. Profite.
X and Y are the best games in the series. Its a good place to start.
Download an emulator and get them all for the gameboy, gameboy color, advance and ds. That way you can start from the beginning and do it for free.
If you are just getting into Pokemon then X and Y are already out and are definitely set up to be easier for newcomers to the Pokemon games to get into. Perhaps a little too easy at times. But still I recommend getting one of those.
iFarted69 holds the wisdom of ages.
Doesn't matter which one,once you start playing you'll get them all anyway & the handhelds you'll need to play them :)
Who bumped this ?
My first one was yellow and than I got emerald sapphire and ruby and so on I stopped at soul silver and heart gold
Dude allot of us was born into Pokemon, so it's hard to say. But I suggest you start with alpha or omega. Don't get both only anti social people do that. While you wait watch some gameplay or even the cartoon to learn more about it. I even made a blog called Pokemon Utopia. I hope this helps a little, if u do get it I'll be waiting to battle you
Impossible. The only way in, is to be born in
If you have a PC or a really good smartphone check out the emulators available and play the old ones first, or you could start from pokemon X or Y and then wait for the remakes to be released.
Yes, it's for children
[quote]Impossible. The only way in, is to be born in[/quote]
Start from red/green and work your way up.
Get both.
Remember to always pick Torchic in games you have the option to RBY and GSC are very much outdated and really not worth your time. Play FRLG and HG/SS instead (But be weary of HG/SS, it has the worst level curve I've ever seen) Otherwise, play the third edition of each game and pick one of B/W and then it's sequel But yeah, wait for OR/AS. There will be a "z" edition in a year or so that'll essentially be XY but better
X/Y is really good. Get one.
The trading card game is cool and free to play online.
[quote]Should I wait for Alpha and Omega or get X and Y ? Anything else I should know about the series in general ? Thanks Snake[/quote] X and Y. They are the easiest Pokemon games to play IMO. Great games to jump into the franchise with