Pissed. I had to edit mine three times.
I was allowed since Death started this and we get along. That, or they didn't realise.
Oh, you're not the only one that isn't in line with the rules. It's not you, though. I think it's fine. It's that they pick and choose who does and does not follow the rules.
PM him and see if he'll make an exception.
Naw, both Death and Plasma told me I need circulars eyes. Even thou A Clone Trooper doesn't have any and K1ll ST3AL's are square. I told them about it, but then I never hear back from them.
I think helmets are an exception.
Mine is a helmet. And I got told it needed eyes. I gave it eyes that fit within the visor. I was told they need to be [i]circular.[/i]
...I've got nothing.
Well, I saw A Clone Trooper had eyes added, so all is well, I guess.