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originally posted in:The Friends List
Edited by Fashion Lizard: 12/31/2016 7:14:25 AM

The Friends List Gaming Network (25,000 posts before I die!)

[b][i]This thread is used for TFL announcements. Check back frequently.[/i][/b] Previous Thread Titles: The Post Office The Big Kahuna The Real Deal Great White Buffalo Godzilla Hath Cometh The Big Yellow One Achievement Unlocked! It's Alive! Happy Bungie Day! TFL Worldwide [b]Congratz to wolfBTM on getting his sub-thread to 1000 posts![/b] [url=]Join The Friends List![/url] Get ready to drink from the fire hose! 3000 posts before Destiny's release!: [i]Success![/i] Phase MVP: DontHateTheBest. 15,000 posts before MCC's release!: [i]Success[/i] Phase MVP: wolfBTM & Mechetti 25,000 posts before I die: In Progress... Challenge #1 Winner: wolfBTM Challenge #2 Winner: Mechetti Challenge #3: Winner: Mechetti Challenge #4: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77 Challenge #5: Winner: ZoltoydeZ77 Challenge #6: Winner: Mojo1965 Challenge #7: Winner: Mechetti Challenge #8: Winner: Repeated ID Challenge #9: Funniest picture wins. Keep it within Bungie's Code of Conduct. It's subjective to my sense of humor.

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  • Edited by Liberty Prime: 7/13/2014 5:24:01 PM
    Jcjeekxbjjn[u]b[i]bbbn[i]n[i][b][u][u][i]jg[u][quote][url=][url=][spoiler][quote][spoiler][url=]bh[spoiler]b[quote]b[quote]b[quote]bnnn[spoiler]nnmm[b]k[quote][url=]n[u]nj[u]jbhb[spoiler]fccxg[url=]l[b]kv[spoiler][spoiler][u][url=][quote][quote][i][spoiler][url=][spoiler][quote][u][url=][spoiler][u][i][b][quote][b][quote][url=][quote][u][spoiler][url=][quote][url=]hhbv[quote]bhbh.! Bbbb[u][/u][/quote][/url][/quote][/url][/spoiler][/u][/quote][/url][/quote][/b][/quote][/b][/i][/u][/spoiler][/url][/u][/quote][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/i][/quote][/quote][/url][/u][/spoiler][/spoiler][/b][/url][/spoiler][/u][/u][/url][/quote][/b][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/quote][/spoiler][/url][/url][/quote][/u][/i][/u][/u][/b][/i][/i][/i][/u]nb[url=]b[quote][quote][/quote][/quote][/url].jpg

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