Even [url=http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jul/11/the-ultimate-goal-of-the-nsa-is-total-population-control]more news[/url] recently from another whistleblower named [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Binney_(U.S._intelligence_official)]William Binney[/url] who you shouldn't dismiss as a nobody.[quote]Binney's NSA career culminated as Technical Leader for intelligence in 2001. Having expertise in intelligence analysis, traffic analysis, systems analysis, knowledge management, and mathematics (including set theory, number theory, and probability), Binney has been described as one of the best analysts and code breakers in the NSA's history.[/quote]
Here's the pick from story so you don't have to read it in full.
[quote]“At least 80% of fibre-optic cables globally go via the US”, Binney said. “This is no accident and allows the US to view all communication coming in. At least 80% of all audio calls, not just metadata, are recorded and stored in the US. The NSA lies about what it stores.”[/quote]
[quote]The NSA will soon be able to collect 966 exabytes a year, the total of internet traffic annually. Former Google head Eric Schmidt once argued that the entire amount of knowledge from the beginning of humankind until 2003 amount to only five exabytes.[/quote]
[quote]“The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”, Binney said, “but I’m a little optimistic with some recent Supreme Court decisions, such as law enforcement mostly now needing a warrant before searching a smartphone.”[/quote]
[quote]It shows that the NSA is not just pursuing terrorism, as it claims, but ordinary citizens going about their daily communications. “The NSA is mass-collecting on everyone”, Binney said, “and it’s said to be about terrorism but inside the US it has stopped zero attacks.”[/quote]
[quote]Binney recently told the German NSA inquiry committee that his former employer had a “totalitarian mentality” that was the "greatest threat" to US society since that country’s US Civil War in the 19th century.[/quote]
[quote]With evidence that there could be a [url=https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140706/11292827794/does-xkeyscore-source-code-leak-point-to-another-nsa-leaker.shtml]second NSA leaker[/url], the time for more aggressive reporting is now. As Binney said: “I call people who are covering up NSA crimes traitors”.[/quote]
First this, then this will happen: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xGEbLJfDnSY [spoiler]Illuminatiszzsz!!![/spoiler]