Destiiny needs prone so you can dropshot. It's not realistic if you can't prone cuz how can you hide in the grass then.Guardians can do magic but no prone. That's stupid. Let's tell diejj everyone so they can add it. It's a artsy fix
The ONLY reason I would want to be able to prone or at least take a knee is for Sniper balance. I love Sniper Rifles and always tend to gravitate towards them. I'm not big into shooters and never picked up CoD or any other game like Halo or such. I played Mass Effect. Silent Scope, so on and so forth. A good shot in real life as well (Though it's hard to be a bad shot with a sniper rifle). I like having the option of stabilizing myself while trying to line up good shots, especially if I have distance and don't have to worry about an enemy coming up behind me until I've already squeezed off a few rounds. That being said.....NO dropshots! Honestly.....there is no place for that in this game. I'm not going to cry if I can't find a position that helps me not loose my aim every time a slug leaves my rifle.