If you got to have the powers of a Forum Ninja for a day...
What would you do?
Edited by ChaosMetalMarty: 8/5/2014 10:04:54 PMCarpet ban #destiny Ban DeeJ Ban the people bitching about Halo 4 Ban the anti-religious shitposters Ban everyone else ??? Profit!?
[spoiler]STICK IT IN HER POOPER[/spoiler]
Nothing really
Go out and bang some hoes and say that it was part of my job. [spoiler]Then I'd carpet ban #Desticrap[/spoiler]
Actually do my job Permaban DeeJ Bring down the banhammer on people posting in the wrong forum
Yuno... Ninja stuff...
Carpet ban all forums except for OffTopic
Ban the other ninjas Permaban Deej Carpet-ban #destiny Fix #gaming Profit
[b]Bump: [/b] Inb4 all the Fix #Gaming posts.
Perma ban Deej
Perma-ban Deej
Make a post informing Desticles about how the hell the forum works [spoiler]Though it would probably be moved afterwards[/spoiler]
Ban everyone in #destiny and anyone who posts about destiny in #gaming. Then I'd ban DeeJ
If I was ninja for a day I would make Destiny exclusives for XboxOne and Xbox 360. [spoiler]and then require people to have played to alpha hue hue jk[/spoiler]
Take put two individuals That I will not name.
Make tacos
Edited by SamuelandCheese: 10/4/2014 7:22:22 PMMaybe try to get the subforum shit fest addressed by DeeJ in the weekly update so that all the new members will see it [spoiler]because we all know they read all of DeeJ's post so they can take it in the butt[/spoiler] Failing that well, ban DeeJ, become CM, appoint more Ninjas, and carpet ban Desticles
Nuke the destiny forum so that only the flood remain... Also custom avatar.. Superintendent please! [spoiler]please remain calm[/spoiler]
Carpet Ban all of Bungie.net, besides Ktan. Revenge will be best served fast that day.
Something these ninjas won't ever do [spoiler]Their job[/spoiler]
Blackmail everybody. I need some cash right now.
Remove # destiny Ban Deej Ban all of the desticles Mute everyone Oh wait.
[quote]lol ban Deej for the swegs[/quote]
Ban Deej
Tits or GTFO.
Carpet ban every thread in #Destiny