Haven't been on here in forever. Haven't been hyped for Bungie in forever, but I've been ecstatic over Destiny since their Vidoc stating that they were taking to the stars. I did not pre order the regular edition of the game, because i was exuberantly hoping for a Destiny themed XBone, or a nice collectors edition, which came and went in less than 24 hours. With my work schedule i wasn't even able to get to the store before it was gone. Gone daddy gone. I've been a supporter, and huge fan of everything Bungie related on console, and I am highly disappointed to know that i will not be able to pay an additional 50 dollars for a nifty plastic ghost. Would be extremely nice to see some more SKUs come available. Just my 2 cents. I gladly gave a hundo for the limited edition, and would love to be able to call, and up that version per it becoming available. Definitely didn't know everyone, and their mother would be buying them to sell on ebay for 250...hindsight is 20/20 though.
I really don't see why they don't just make/release more. It's obviously something the fans want