Its officially been a year now guys and girls.
Bungie doesnt give a flying -blam!-
Just wanted there to be a thread so Bungie can see there actually are people on here that use a Windows Phone. Its not as uncommon as youd think and im certain its well within Bungies capabilities to produce an app for Windows Phone 8. (Even Rockstar did it albeit late)
Whats even better is with cross compatible apps, any app on Windows Phone can be downloaded and work flawlessly on the windows 8.1 app store so people with surface tablets (or any windows 8 tablets) can use it too.
Help all of us become the guardians you want us to be (not just the major market share).
Until Bungie decide to release a companion app, a legend from these forums has taken upon the task of bringing an app for us windows phone users to enjoy.
Destiny Stats takes data from the website and puts it in a nice user friendly mobile interface.
Go download and rate it
I support this.
I would like to get the app for the windows 8 phone it would be a massive time saver inmoveing items from character to character though the vault I like the destiny stats app its a good help to check what character I have done what raids etc but being able to move items from the vault to character to character would be great
+1 from my Lumia 830 Bungie, please contact Rudy Huyn ( [url][/url] or [url][/url] ), he would make a killer Companion app for windows / windows Phone.
Come on Bungie we all know you had some issues in the past with Microsoft but that doesn't mean you should punish the people who use their products, think about how much more players will download the app if you allow it for purchase on windows phone. Please Bungie, do us all a favor and just give us the app.
+1 from my Lumia 1530...not holding my breath though because Bungie has already proven they could give a shizzy less about their customer/fan base. So long as we keep buying season passes they'll keep giving us little to nada! Seems like a fair trade, right? Oh! Here's an idea, take the same algorithm you use for your loot tables and use that to determine which Windows phones can find the app in the app store. Would basically be the same as not offering one...
All I know is that if there is no windows phone support before the next installment of the game. I will certainly not be buying it.
Sorry, but since there is no Windows Phone App yet, i cant see how this game will last 10 years from now on when there isn' t iOS anymore in the near future ;)
I can definitely support more Windows apps. However the sad fact is that at the moment Windows phones are just not popular enough yet for most companies to warrant time and resources to develop for it. The market is still IOS by a large majority and android takes up most of what is left. I hope that once Windows 10 is officially released, people will see the value in Windows devices more and will go to them. They are exceedlingly great, and are just as, if not more versatile than Android devices. The big thing that hurt them was the unloved Windows 8 OS that never really got much better. But Windows 10 looks sooo much better, its a huge step in the right direction. Hopefully people will eventually jump off of the Apple bandwagon. It still boggles me how so many people can blindly support a company like Apple that locks you into only using their devices and software and prevents any real amount of customization. If not for the fact that they were first in the market they would be nowhere near where they are.
I have a windows phone and i love it... half the price and twice the phone...but half the apps... on a side note one will soon be playable on ANY windows 10 device...and any windows 8 device will have a free one year upgrade to windows in the very near future you will be able to play destiny on the go just like the vita... and that should boost the windows phone market because xbox users desperately want a remote play feature similar to the PS4
As great as Destiny Stats is would love to see the official app on WP or at the very least Bungie need to make it so other features can be added the the unofficial app. On a side note the site suck on ie so that's not really a great alternative either.
Windows phone user my self. But have an iPad also. So I use the app on that. But yes a definite app is needed for the windows phone. And every one with one should also download app provided in the link if only to show support for someone helping the community by spending his time creating an app.
People with the app have an unfair advantage over people who have windows phone. Being able to quickly swap weapons without leaving the game
I will just leave this here for you to read [url=]Mobile OS Market share[/url] Windows phone is very much in the minority, but hey, at least you windows phone users aren't blackberry...
Lel who uses window phones anyway?
Isn't MS getting rid of Widows Phones?
*clap* *clap* *clap* YES!!
Yes thank you so much for bringing this up, I thought I was the only one! Haha (:
Edited by Deff1: 9/22/2014 12:54:44 PMI totally agree. Please port the app to WP. Of course Android and iOS are prioritized, installation rates are simply that much higher. No problem with that. But saying a WP app is not planned is simply bad style. I feel treated like a second class player and neglected. If you, Bungie, expect to have a 10 year franchise running you imply that you believe in your product, the universe you created, the story and its relevance to an audience. As should be the case. Very long term oriented.. At the same time you are too busy, not caring, short term oriented, profit focused,... (?) that you are not spending maybe $50k to get that app completed and deny us the WP app. Poor style. But the game is great!
And now the website will not work in IE!? That's lame as can be. So I can't use my phone at all and you want to force me to install a browser I don't want on my Surface? The website worked fine in IE when the game launched, what has changed? You have gladly accepted my $90 for the version I purchased and are now making me feel punished for my preference of a brand that helped make you what you are today. What is going on?
I'm just going to add my name to the list of Windows Phone owners who would really like an official Destiny app!
I also support having a Windows Phone app. I have all MS products (surface, Lumia 925, Xbox, PC) and hate the fact that some companies only make stuff for iOS and Android. My feeling is if you're going to make a game for XB1 you should make companion apps for Windows Phone or at least Smartglass
I feel like Bungie (among a plethora of others) take advantage of the amazing 3rd party system on WP. Most of the apps I use are unofficial and arguably better designed. What doesn't make sense is that the API is not made available and so we are left without the FUNCTIONALITY of the app (changing gear and equipment). I wonder how fast their tune will change when windows 10 comes out and blows EVERYTHING out of the water.
I am a Windows user and would like the Bungie Companion APP for my phone. Here is another vote for Bungie to develop the APP for Windows Phone!