I pre-ordered destiny off amazon and got my code into bungie.net. When the codes unlocked I chose Europe as per the FAQ, however each code is giving me an error, E-82000134. The game isn't being added to my downloads list, library or notifications. I have tried a friend's code and also a US region code. All giving me the same error.
I also tried redeeming through the sony website and I get a similar error.
I'm starting to believe it's due to my console's region and bungie not being clear about which regions they are covering.
Any assistance would be great!
[b]EDIT:[/b] After creating a UK account DarthForte was able to come up with this workaround:
1. Create a new PSN account in a european region (Australia or UK recommended)
2. Redeem the code on the new EU account
3. Start the Destiny download
4. Once the Destiny download is complete you should be able to switch back to your main account and run Destiny on it to complete the rest of the download & install!
This should also work if you accidentally chose an american code but are in the European region. Just make a US account instead.
The good news is I'm able to play on my asian PSN account after downloading the beta, so you just need to sign up for a UK account just to redeem the code and download the beta.
Please Like the original post so we can get some attention to this issue and also help others using the method used by DarthForte!