If you were homeless and starving would you be willing to commit a crime where you would go to jail. You would then receive three meals a day, a place to shower, sleep, work out, and make friends(maybe) but you would lose your freedom. Is it worth it?
Edit: you won't be in jail for life. Lets say, a minimum of 6 years.
Edited by Fletch: 7/20/2014 3:24:10 AMRemain free, then forget how to swim in the middle of no where
I would goto a homeless shelter. -blam!- jail dude, are you crazy?
No, I want freedom and no sore butts in the morning.
Edited by Gary: 7/19/2014 2:55:38 AMJail =/= Prison. I've been to jail, wasn't that bad. I've never been to prison, f[b]u[/b]ck that. I've never been homeless, but I'd take it over prison. I was jailed because I matched the description of a mugger. The mugger had a foot and at least one hundred pounds on me. The Hell is that?
Homeless [I]and[/I] starving? Lol. I probably would've offed myself long before it reached that point.
Freedom. At least u would have opportunities.
6 years of jail? No, I'd do it as something temporary though. A year or less.
Edited by coolmike699: 7/19/2014 5:32:46 PMSometimes homeless people choose to spend a nightie two in jail if the weather is particularly bad. I'd rather be in jail than freezing to death.
Wow this received more responses then I was expecting.
Edited by afanoflafear: 7/19/2014 4:33:53 AM[quote]you would go to jail. You would then receive three meals a day, a place to shower, sleep, work out, and make friends(maybe) [/quote]I can assure you mr. Bronson that prison life isn't as [i]glamorous[/i] as it's made out to be in TV shows and movies.[quote]Is it worth it?[/quote]IMO it isn't but there's always a chance you'll never become involved in an altercation or nobody will take an [i]interest[/i] in you for the 6 years you spend.
Jails worst then being homeless.
Free all tha way! How else you gonna get sniz from the meth'd out Jesus freak on the corner of Walk and Don't Walk? Conjugal visits don't cut it.
You may give me food, but you will never take my freedom.
I'd just start prostitution... [i]For dogs[/i] [spoiler]Not really, but I want to see if anyone gets the reference from this one old manga I picked up at my library. What? It's late, alright! This is how I get when I'm tired and still posting. [/spoiler]
Why can't people in jail just get along? They're all fuk ups so why not make the best of it?
Edited by Failure4Life: 7/19/2014 6:39:08 AMGo to farmer's market. Steal food. If caught got to jail and get free food. Win/win.
Why not all I gotta do is make sure I don't drop the soap.
Edited by Fartmonkey: 7/19/2014 3:28:49 AMI don't want to take a chance of dropping the soap
I live in Canada so I can just fake sick and go to the emergency room.
Stay free and become patient zero of the zombie apocalypse.
I would probably end up in jail. Steering food is a crime
My homelessness would keep taxpayers from more skrub tier bullcrap
It depends on how desperate I am. If I'm a few days away from starving to death and have no chance of getting a job, then yes I would go to jail.
Edited by LordFarquaad690: 7/19/2014 12:54:16 AMHomeless I would go on a heist or do some odd jobs.
I've been homeless before. You suck in your pride, spare change until you have enough for a pay as you go phone, then get a po box, then, since you have a phone number and address, you apply for a job. In the mean time you drink 40s and hang out. Wasn't too bad.
Six years of dog-grade food and possibly constant räpe, and then I'm homeless again? Fück that, I'm taking option C: get hit by a car and hope it kills me.