originally posted in:Xbox One
Greetings, all! After hearing the Bungie community manager on IGN's Podcast Unlocked yesterday, I decided to join the Bungie.net community in order to find a group of mature gamers to play alongside in Destiny, as well as other Xbox One titles. My gamertag is WhiskyCokeNoIce. I'm looking forward to hearing from some fellow cooperative, mature gamers looking for a fun and positive experience across the platform.
See you online!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
Tootarded2play Always down for some BF4, titanfall, or destiny. Need more cooperative players in my groups haha
Maturity, sense of humor and 18+. Looking for chill people to play with. I'll add you. Anyone else, who fits the description above, add my GT:squibcakes.
Tybalt2000 is in. I'm on most nights 9-12 EST. Definitely looking to play in a cooperative and respectful fireteam.
JimJam90 for a blast on Destiny and various other games :-)
Startedjosh add me
GT: dragon lord 141 I'm pretty chill...
GT: Zigy2k7 Add me if you're serious about playing together.
GT is IrishDave3 feel free to add me. I'm 31 and I don't run around like a screaming 14 year old running their mouth
GT: Skazel77 Gamer looking for new friends to join up with. Send me an invite. Become Legend together!
The GHOST ANGELS! We're a HIGHLY EXCLUSIVE, HARDCORE PS4/XB1 clan where only the BEST reside, including MLG Championship players. You'll find us on Youtube, Twitch, and more! If you want to be more than just a face in the crowd, if you want to be known throughout the Bungie community, this is the place to be. Stake your claim within the angelic hierarchy by applying @ [url]http://www.ghostangels.enjin.com[/url]! We appreciate talent both on and off of the battlefield (video editing, social media management, graphic/web design, promotion, etc.). If you want to be an angel, but want a more casual experience, you can join our GHOST ANGEL LEGION ^.^ Check us out! Bungie.net: [url]http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/115917[/url] Twitter: [url]https://twitter.com/_Ghost_Angels[/url] Facebook: [url]https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ghost-Angels/502608529839173?ref=br_rs[/url] Clans of Destiny: [url]http://www.clansofdestiny.com/clan/profile/ghostangels[/url] Ghost Angels Website: [url]http://www.ghostangels.enjin.com/recruitment[/url]
VOID clan wants to recruit you Gaurdians! Join us in the fight against the Darkness! VOID is the only programmatically managed clan in Destiny! Check out our link above to view our you tube video and our thread.
Hello Peps, I'm also looking to play quite alot of Destiny, and looking for people to play with so if you wanna play. Add SunDirra
Xilent gaming is recruiting big time Halo clan coming to xbox one with destiny check us out. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/139576 add/msg Xi DRiiZZii for any questions
GT: BigWhiteMocha Would love to play with you and anyone else willing to add me, age 23 and in the military... great FPS player.
Hey chaps feel free to add me Tenmaster
Message to all titans , warlocks and hunters. I have made a destiny clan (xboxone only). We will be playing all game modes , we are very active and competitive. Admins are needed to promote and organize clan. Join Now !! Join something new !!! All we know how to do is dominate urahhhhhh!!!! Register here - @http://www.bungie.net/en/clan/xbox/118309 I will be playing the beta add me @ vT SpaRTacus on xboxone one
[quote]Greetings, all! After hearing the Bungie community manager on IGN's Podcast Unlocked yesterday, I decided to join the Bungie.net community in order to find a group of mature gamers to play alongside in Destiny, as well as other Xbox One titles. My gamertag is WhiskyCokeNoIce. I'm looking forward to hearing from some fellow cooperative, mature gamers looking for a fun and positive experience across the platform. See you online![/quote] Add me maxxpower420
Feel free to add me GT: i2RawSoldier
Add me GT: Cavemancougar always looking for casual gamers to play with in all games
GT is b00nd0ck5 Will be playing nights AEST. 31yo. Feel free to add me.
Add me PSN: FT_SCooP
I am also a older gamer 35 and want to experience this game with like minded people,and may our adventures be that of legends that have yet to be told........ oh yeah please allow me to join the clan it would be a honor
Mature gamer here (34yo) on the East Coast, looking to join up on Fire Teams. My gamertag is the same, Lord Negatron. Happy hunting.
My Gamer Tag is I Lov 2 H8 add me if u like, I will be playing this alot.
Hey! What times do you think you'd be aching roughly? I usually am able to get online around 10-11pm. If you're usually around at that time then it would be great to form a clan or something. I heard the IGN podcast today too and it really prompted me to come on here.
I'm down for some gaming with the Experienced. Add me. I'm BluMayhem.