originally posted in:Xbox One
Greetings, all! After hearing the Bungie community manager on IGN's Podcast Unlocked yesterday, I decided to join the Bungie.net community in order to find a group of mature gamers to play alongside in Destiny, as well as other Xbox One titles. My gamertag is WhiskyCokeNoIce. I'm looking forward to hearing from some fellow cooperative, mature gamers looking for a fun and positive experience across the platform.
See you online!
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/140393652/0/0]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck!
Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]
GT same as name. Evenings and weekends EST
GT Xerces II. Lvl 28-29 Warlock. On daily PST. Invite for Weekly Heroic Nightfall and any other Raid.
xTheDiscGolferx PLEASE ADD ME ill be online in about 45 mins and am looking for active players at night as i am 2nd shift. level 24 hunter. thanks!
We strive to be the best PS3 Clan around with a fresh start and the right members you can go from ground to glory in a matter of days currently we our members consist of US Players so we dont have members on all the time but you can change that. I am always playing Destiny once i take care of real life things and can help anyone just add me PSN is Elomie. Annihilation Corperations goal is to reach all of our members to 20, our schedule is listed below. ~Elomie Schedule: Monday:Daily Heroic Story (20) Tuesday:Daily Heroic Story (24) Wednesday:Daily Heroic Story (28) Thursday:Vanguard Playlist (18-24) Friday:Weekly Nightfall Strike (28) Saturday:VoG (26-30) Sunday:Noob Night (Help lower level clan members do the story line)
Unclegrandma420 lvl 29 warlock and 27 titan. Mostly on 10pm-4am cst
Fellow Guardians. We are a gaming community that plays more than just Destiny. We play games from all platforms. We have experienced raiders that beat the raid on hard at least 5 times a week. We are looking for mature gamers that just want to have fun and missing out of parts of the game because they can't get a raid party together. We have members from around the world so finding people is getting easier everyday. We have a website and we use a chat program that is called Slack. We have a channel for each game that we play to keep the noise down and we organize our raids through this and just talk about whatever. If your interested in finding a mature drama free community please join us so we can become legends together! Join the clan through Bungie: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/117465 Message the following if you have questions or are joining. (If you want to join us on slack also give us your email address for the invitation!) Just make sure to mention that you are from Destiny! PSN: AfroDan Live: Lezlow247
Edited by RenegadeR3aper: 11/19/2014 8:38:35 PMWe are the "Shards of Crota" a mature gaming clan. If you consider yourself a badass destiny player be it in PvP or PvE then this is the clan for you. We have created this clan because we were sick of going through the tedious task of looking for players to COMPLETE raids, nightfall and crucible matches. Things are easier if you have a group of ACTIVE players with good communication and great cooperation to turn to. That is what we are all about as well as hilarious xD comments. We are looking for players that are experienced and cool headed. The more players we have the easier it is for you. Trolls, raging and other childish acts will not be tolerated >:(. Visit the clan page or message me for an invite. Were on every evening after 6pm eastern time
Looking to follow or join another clan mainly in daily, weekly, raid and anything else if you just need help or more players just search "StormBreakerEX" clan or follow the link http://www.bungie.net/en/clan/forum/604428 😜 happy hunting guardians 😜
24 hunter here add me NYRangers917
Hey guys looking to do raids and such! Add away
Looking for a clan mainly in daily, weekly, raid and anything else if you want to join just search "StormBreakerEX" clan or follow the link http://www.bungie.net/en/clan/forum/604428 😜 happy hunting guardians 😜
Looking for the same. gamer tag SlowlyRotting
hellow im down for some good fun gaming gt: pointydinosaur
Hey guys, Glad I found this forum. I'm 30 and looking for mature gamers, too. Level 27 hunter, looking for raids, weekly events, anything just to have fun. Gamertag is: wWw ICEMAN wWw
I'm in. Gamertag ProximityFuse.
I'm 36 & from England. warlock lol 29- maxed both classes. Happy to join up for weekly nightfalls/weekly heroic's & Raid runs. GT: Guccichild (an ex gave it to me & I refuse to shell out to change it... Sigh)
Edited by xXCrysis128Xx: 11/10/2014 5:52:40 PM43 year old EST lvl 27 titan looking for other mature players for weekly heroics, nightfalls, crucible, eventually raid and anything else. Feel free to add me. Gt xXCrysis128Xx
I'm a hunter 28 fully maxed blade and gun slinger
Hello I'm 24 turning 25 soon been looking for a good bunch of peeps to play with. Can I join you clan? My gamer tag is ghettoboy89
I'm 34 and looking for the same. Titan lvl 25 and hunter Lvl 11 so far. Add me Richo1980
29 yo in East Coast Time. Level 28 warlock, both subclasses. Looking for vault and strike runners (and maybe a clan evenntually LOL) GT: Lupo2theRescue
I'm 40 level 27 nearly 28 hunter I'm on most nights from 8pm just want to do some of the harder strikes and raid instead of struggling through on my own.
I'm 43 have a warlock lvl 28, working on a hunter lvl 11, play most evenings and weekends! Add me!
GT: RangerJoeMomma Level 27 Titian (Defender/ halfway threw Striker) Looking to do anything
GT: Twisted Facade Have a 29 titan and a 28 warlock. I play mostly at night and need fireteams for everything from hardmode raid to patrols