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originally posted in:Xbox One
Edited by Spawn: 6/3/2016 4:15:43 AM

Looking for Mature Gamers Looking to Play Destiny {EST}

Greetings, all! After hearing the Bungie community manager on IGN's Podcast Unlocked yesterday, I decided to join the community in order to find a group of mature gamers to play alongside in Destiny, as well as other Xbox One titles. My gamertag is WhiskyCokeNoIce. I'm looking forward to hearing from some fellow cooperative, mature gamers looking for a fun and positive experience across the platform. See you online! [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Recruitment forum. See [url=]Cozmo's thread[/url] for more information about the #Recruitment tag and its Destiny LFG uses. Good luck! Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • GT: Twisted Facade Have a 29 titan and a 28 warlock. I play mostly at night and need fireteams for everything from hardmode raid to patrols

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  • Everyone watch this YouTube video to save gaming of the future! Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad BDobbinsFTW

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  • LVL 28 hunter looking to play with other mature players

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  • I'm 36 and a casual player, I'm on most evenings/Sundays (PST) and work on bounties, public events, daily heroics and farming runs, I would love help with weekly strikes. Feel free to add me. GT: coach bluto Lvl 28 Warlock - Sunsinger/Voidwalker Lvl 27 Hunter - Gunslinger Lvl 26 Titan - Striker

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  • Hey my gamer tag is Maddoxx75, I'm 39 & spend a lot of evenings on Destiny or CoDAW. I'm also looking for mature players to play Destiny with. I have a 27 Warlock & 25 Titan, working on the lvl 3 Hunter when I'm bored. ;) Feel free to add me.

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  • 36 yrs old. Level 25 Warlock, tag is Holmesy1978 if u want to add me?

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  • GT: SilverSTi Looking for laid back people to do all aspects of the game. Level 25 warlock and I am 37. I am always on as long as my little ones don't want my attention more.

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    4 Replies
    • 26 With A Titan On Lvl28, warlock on 25 And A Hunter On The Way....

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    • Temple of the Traveler so far have members from different parts of the U.K, U.S and Australia. We only accept members aged 17+ for PS4, 360 & X1 (no PS3) We're a mature PS4 and Xbox clan, we're friendly and active, social and helpful, we raid at the weekend and are looking to make more raid groups for week days too, we need English speaking people who are also friendly, social and active to boost our numbers, anyone wanting to join our clan go to please be sure to select the respective Xbox/Ps4 tab at the top of the clan page then request to join clan. Thanks.

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    • Fellow Guardians. We are a gaming community that plays more than just Destiny. We play games from all platforms. We have experienced raiders that beat the raid on hard at least 5 times a week. We are looking for mature gamers that just want to have fun and missing out of parts of the game because they can't get a raid party together. We have members from around the world so finding people is getting easier everyday. We have a website and we use a chat program that is called Slack. We have a channel for each game that we play to keep the noise down and we organize our raids through this and just talk about whatever. If your interested in finding a mature drama free community please join us so we can become legends together! Join the clan through Bungie: Message the following if you have questions or are joining. (If you want to join us on slack also give us your email address for the invitation!) Just make sure to mention that you are from Destiny! PSN: AfroDan Live: Lezlow247

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    • Edited by StormCloak91: 11/3/2014 10:19:51 PM
      Let's get to raiding guardians. I'm 22 have a 21 Hunter currently working on a warlock but want to find a good fireteam to play all night on weekdays and all day on weekends. I'm dedicated and mature add me and let's fight back the darkness. Stormcloak91

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    • Gt BleedOrngNGreen I'm a casual gamer although I do on occasion bine play for hours. Looking for players with normal schedules like mine. Usually am on in the morning before work which isn't for long but it would be nice to be able to complete the strikes and build up my character a little faster.

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    • Looking to join active clan for raids on Sunday Monday and Wednesday lvl 28 lock

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      • 40 with a 26 warlock and leveling other classes. Looking for weekly strikes and eventual vog. GT Tikkanen42

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        • Level 25 warlock my GT is above

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        • 0
          If anyone needs a clan on destiny that raids often and that's active join my clan just Click the link below and click apply and I will accept

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        • PLEASE DO NOT APPLY UNLESS YOU MEET REQUIREMENTS BELOW ALSO FULL ON HUNTERS (NO HUNTERS PLEASE) We have cleared VOG twice so far and have 30 members -About Resonance: Do you have a job and have other responsibilities that you have to tend to before picking up the controller? Then Resonance is the clan for you this is a raiding clan primarily focused on raiding on weekends and doing weekly content throughout the week. Resonance is for players who want to do the end game content and do not have a lot of time to play because of real life responsibilities. -What Resonance does: Raid mostly on the weekend and time will be 7PM eastern time U.S on Saturdays and if enough people are on to raid on weekdays we will do the raid and we use clan forums and in game messages that clan members can do to coordinate weeklys and nightfalls. -Requirements: 1. Mic 2. Level 27 + 3. Mature enough to follow directions (Maturity) 4. EST. time zone and Xbox 1 (Or you can play on east coast U.S. time zone) 5. We start 7PM Eatern US time on Saturday (2 raid teams maybe 3 if we have numbers) 6. YOU DO NOT BELONG TO ANOTHER CLAN 7. Having fun 8. Being patient

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        • Part of The Ghost Chaserz Alliance. A Ghost. Something unseen, untouchable, Intangible. A goal yet to be achieved, a lover yet to be admired. A Destination yet to be ventured forth into... We are Guardians, Dedicated to pursuing the Ghosts that haunt our dreams. Embarking on the never ending struggle that is the burden of every Ghost. To be invisible in a world full of specters, standing in the mists of the galaxy. We look back out into the universe and realize our Destiny lies in the stars. Become what you may already be. Ghost Chaserz The brotherhood will be waiting. A place for people to meet other like minded Guardians, communicate and organize events within the game. Feel free to post anything in the clan to organize any of the following: •PvP •PvE •Strikes •Raids(must be able to communicate) •Nightfall •Queens Wrath - Scheduled weekly Normal and Hardmode Clan Raids. -Periodic "Raids for a Cause" Charity, Live Streaming Events. Open to anyone who wishes to join. The only requirements are that you're friendly and happy to communicate with other Ghosts to organize strikes, or raids. Mainly a PS4 clan, yet open to any console, all are welcome! Make sure to tell your friends as all applications are always accepted. Don't be afraid to ask any questions. -Main clan- Ghost Chaserz Also you can MSG me on PSN and I'll respond anytime. & Be sure to add me! - Chrashy

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        • I'm looking for a clan to join, xbox one gt is WB Mortais and have a level 28 warlock.

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        • Looking for friends to do Nightfall and Heroic and raids! Anyone can add me GT: KILLADAX Level 27 Titan From UK

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        • Edited by William Miller: 10/21/2014 3:47:42 PM
          36 year old man that's also looking for mature gamers to play destiny with. I work afternoon shift so I only get to play mornings 7 am till about 1PM. I have level 28 warlock both classes maxed. Hit me up if your on Xbox One mornings eastern standard time. GT: Bill M 916

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        • Edited by DHG H3aD5h0T: 10/21/2014 3:16:23 PM
          Im 24 from the UK, Lvl 29 warlock looking for a regular team to raid with. Completed VoG quite a few times so i am experienced. My gamertag is my name on here.... Cheers

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        • Looking for people to do the vault of glass, have a few friends who can join. On most nights and most of the day on weekends. My main is a level 28 Hunter. Gamertag ConcreteJaimo.

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        • Hey I am 20y and from Belgium.. I also look for people to join up a fireteam to complete Raids, Nightfall, Weekly's... Level 28 Hunter Gt name : l AET3RNITAS l

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        • I'm 20 from the UK and my friend and I (same age) are mainly looking for people to help with Heroic/Nightfall strikes and mainly raids such as the Vault of Glass. I'm just generally online quite a lot. Level 27 Hunter - My GT: RawkusRed Level 28 Titan - My friend's GT: bishonator20

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        • Lvl 28 need friends for vault of glass sn is H8er Luv me

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