We are looking for members to form a large gaming social network of members who would like to play both socially and competitively. Our members are like minded gamers who want to relax after a hard days work and play some Destiny
Exile Gaming founded by "Phoenix" in 2014, a Co-Leader of a PC gaming clan the [url=http://www.onezero1.co.uk]101st[/url] which was established in 1999.
Our clan page: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650
[b]What Exile Gaming can offer:[/b]
Casual, fun gaming for everyone
No high expectations, play Destiny when you have the time
Competitive play
Planned raids each week
Mature and friendly gaming experience
[b]What we expect:[/b]
Like this post, it helps us gain momentum and recognition :)
Play when you can and enjoy gaming
Take part in raids
Share your gaming experience by sharing videos and picture
Must be 16+
[b]What we look to achieve:[/b]
To build a team of like minded gamers who want to have fun without the traditional hassle or rigid commitment of clan gaming.
Achieve a members base of 20+
Create a network of friends and fun environment, whether in game or on chat
[b]To join our clan[/b]
Go to http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650 and apply
Please feel free to add me on PSN PH0EN1X84
We have setup a recruitment post over at PSN you can find it here http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/Destiny/Exile-Gaming-Recruiting/td-p/22305673 We are looking to setup a raid party and some strike partys today if you would like to join us please send an invite to the clan http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/130650 .
Updated post
We are looking to setup a launch night gaming session, if you would like to join us reply to this thread. If you enjoy gaming with you add yourself to our gaming group :)
Currently have 4 members in our team and looking to increase the numbers for some good gaming nights. We will be online tonight and tomorrow most of the day and evening if anyone would like to join us for the final days of the beta :)
We have three new members to the clan, if anyone would like to join feel free to send an invite
Bump with updated requirements