Hey all,
I've noticed that changing my special weapon results in the loss of all my special weapon ammo, even if I change back to the weapon I initially had equipped, the ammunition is gone. (I suspect this also is the same for heavy weapons.)
Bungie, could we have shared ammo for the specials? Or can we get each gun to have its own ammo capacity? I would really enjoy swapping between my sniper rifle and shotgun depending on what trouble I find myself in -- doesn't work so well now.
Its totally on purpose. Its just so that you stick with the same load out during a battle. Its to make it fair, forcing you to go for the ammo boxes in the crucible. In other words, the game let's you carry all these weapons into the field unlike other games, and it let's you switch them out but at a price. :) Hope I've shed some light on the subject!
I Think it's made so you can't switch from sniper to shotgun mid battle. But it's annoying whem you switch back and there's no rounds in the gun.