originally posted in:Shadows of the Fallen
So does anyone else get frustrated when they spend 15 minutes killing a spider tank to see that it has dropped absolutely nothing? While in the mean time you've picked up a couple loot drops from random grunt enemies that have been sent out to kill you. It just seems like there is no rhyme or reason and it would be so much more satisfying to see some loot pop out of a dying boss after so much effort has been put into killing it. Sepiks Prime has consistently dropped house banners/ether seeds, but I still feel it would be so much more satisfying to get some kind of loot drop. Do you think that there should be a guaranteed loot drop from every boss? Or would that grant too much gear to us leveling guardians?
I think lvl 20 raids or strikes will have bosses drops specific loot sometimes. It was shown in their in-game playthrough. It directly dropped from the fallen boss they killed. Might not have been implemented in the Beta.
I got a rare helmet from Sepkis Prime during the Alpha
At the end of the Strike you get two uncommon items, as well as you always get at least one engram
good question
My assumption is the loot you get in the post strike "mission report" is suppose to represent boss loot.
I think you should be guaranteed a house banner or two or some mats. Most of the time I would get something. But also there were times nothing was dropped
This will lead to speed strikes and farming just the boss. Currently system is overall better because it forces you to kill everything amd explore.