I've been thinking about the competitive multiplayer for Destiny while playing in the crucible on the beta and I've been wondering about whether competitive sniper clans such as FaZe and OpTic will ever transition over to Destiny?
While using the sniper rifles, I noticed that a one-shot-kill aren't nearly as frequent as they were in Call of Duty. Another point is that FaZe and OpTic have been playing Call of Duty for almost a decade! It would be unusual for them to change their medium of play but could it happen?
If they were to transition over to Destiny, I don't believe that would harm their reputation or fan base but exponentially grow it. Like COD, Destiny is playable on all major consoles. Unlike COD, Destiny provides deeper gameplay mechanics that may actually test the skill of these "famous sniper clans."
I think it would be bad if they moved over to Destiny because it would go against their roots. Let's keep them over at COD while we create our own sniper clans specialized for Destiny.
Here is Optic Nadeshot making a "Trickshot" in destiny
God no, most of them suck anyways. There kind can stay on cod
I don't really care, but Destiny's aim speed doesn't go nearly as high as CoD. Snipers are not a one hit kill and snipers have no hipfire reticle, so if they would still quick scope accurately in more vertical maps then sure. I'm pretty sure they're all good enough to play the game and be good at it, but if they'd switch over completely is another thing.
Please keep them away. Nobody wants them, we're lucky that COD's simple enough to keep them going back to it. Destiny is too different for them.
Im kinda what you call a hater to these "IM FAZE SO YEAH IM COOL I SNIPE HAHA YOU NO AS GOOD AS ME LOL TROLL GAMING FOR LIFE NOOB" i feel these obnoxious ignorant shits can just go die in a hole because they take this shit so serious lol idk it bothers me haha
I'd prefer to keep the real house wives of LA out of the game.
Didn't they start in Halo anyway?
Doesn't matter to me. Let them do what they want. I'm sure in time they'll learn to dominate, seeing as how many of them started by playing Halo competitively.
Being in a match with those fruit cakes is one of the most annoying things in the world. So please don't come to Destiny.
I don't need more matches where we have people sniping headshots at close quarters, I'm fine without them coming to play the game.
OpTic is actually more of an MLG clan but whatever..
OpTic Nadeshot streamed Destiny a few days ago..
I hope not.
You can't effectively sway their scope to get kills in destiny like they do in cod...+ I'll be happily playing in PVE getting exotics and I'll destroy them in iron banner;)
Edited by comiclegregblade: 7/21/2014 6:56:03 PMIf they transition to destiny all fanboys of COD will start playing destiny [spoiler]but they can't annoy us as we can't hear there mic AND fresh meat to take out[/spoiler]
No. Who -blam!-ing cares