Why are people collectively exiting a match when they're the losing team? To spare their k/d? Because they can't accept they are bad players?
I think they should be punished, by getting some of their experience robbed, or a random item removed, or a handicap in their next match.
Edit: Bungie knows when you've been kicked because of bad internet, otherwise they couldn't tell you so. So that isn't the problem at hand here. And a time penalty isn't a big deal when you have an emergency going on.
This is becoming a serious problem. Maybe just a 5 minutes ban would help.
Sometimes I have to go cause of random reasons that is the only reason I sometimes leave
I don't quit but if you get dcd.....can't control janky services
How about we do the TF2 MvM thing? Leaving several times will cause you to go into 'low priority' where you will be near the bottom of the list for matchmaking
Edited by Volatile Shifty: 2/5/2015 4:54:52 PMTrying to go into any PVP on any game solo is rough because generally most people don't understand the most simplest of fighting tactics. Map control, covering fire, objective play, when to engage/when not to engage, moving after engagements to throw off your opponents, objective play, etc... Also. Do you get frustrated when you're on a losing team and are not rewarded for being the top player? Just curious.
Thing is, before answering this question, Bungie needs to fix matching and lag. As is right now I would vote NO, if team matching would get better and you got paired against people of your same skill, and there were minimal lag problems then YES would be my answer.
Maybe those "bad players" don't have a six man team to circle jerk eachother while they camp the heavy ammo spots?
Say you're working on a bounty and you're mediocre( that'd be me). I know it's all about location, some places i know better than others, and the opposition. Since i see no form of matchmaking in destiny i definitely would bail if im with a poor team and playing some of the best in destiny in pvp. I do try and hang in there and just lay low. I can tell right away if im going to hurt my team by running around and trying to get kills all while getting slaughtered. The thorn bounty is particularly tough for most average to below avg players and you have to play smart. you might have to drop out of a game and jump in another that's scaled properly.
Who cares its pvp
Because if you're team is significantly outmatched, it's no fun getting killed over and over again.
In this game because of the huge variation of weaponry I've never been in a game that was close, one team always land slides the other. So why suffer if you are 5k points behind?
With disconnects and random lag being so prevalent I wouldn't want something too strict. Just something that would penalize after several left matches with a certain time.
Just do what they did in halo reach and temporarily banned you from pvp
Destiny pvp isn't that serious bro.
Not getting 2 marks is punishment enough.
In halo they had like a very limited time ban for players who left to many games. They could implement something like a 30min crucible ban for players who consistently leave matches l.
What if the other team is full of lagswitchers?
The only time I leave is when the opposing team is running into walls and the like continuously uncontrolled. Those same matches you can empty a clip into simeones head they run by you go on n a min later your dead. Or when the opposing team is a fire team of more than three in it and they all have crap connections they r cheating and I won't participate
Do it just like LoL. Their system works wonders.
If my team is getting its butt kicked by several thousand in the early goings, I bounce. I would be happy to stay if the games didn't take SOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOONNNNGGG. Seriously, control needs to be shortened.
If the game has a shocking connection and I leave solely due to that, how do you prove that the connection was the issue without being booted?
Have like a time limit until they can search for another match.
I like when they leave and I get put into their match on a losing team. Get a couple kills and get a much faster chance at a rng drop. Then usually right back to 1/12 matchmaking cause they were getting crushed. Nother chance at a drop isnt bad
Why would you care?... its not even your kd to begin with. Its their loss either way, just saying.
was just thinking the same thing after playing this morning ppl dropping from teams and also being put in a match mid way through and put on a team that was still one man down and 10000 points behind. easy to punish if you physical leave by going to orbit or however you quit the action of pressing the button comes with a glimmer charge of 500 and maybe a further penalty to there k/d ratio, so ppl that get booted for bad connetion dont get charged.