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7/24/2014 12:44:33 AM

My beta impressions so far (Bungie please read)

Let me just start off by saying, at it's core, Destiny is a wonderful game that might even be worthy of Game of the Year. The graphics are beautiful (it looks like a CGI sci-fi movie), and the action is sometimes intense and brutal. Yes Bungie, you've done it again; you made another awesome IP. And with that said, there are a few things that concern me about final release. I know it's in beta, but the gameplay seems to get a little repetitive sometimes. It's to be expected, since it's an RPG, but it really broke my heart when one of my friends said he thought it was too repetitive. He gave it a "meh". Also, I really hope that not all Strike missions are as long as the one in the beta. Death Walker and Sepkis Prime take forever to defeat, and the missions themselves take longer than some Halo missions on legendary by one person. TL;DR: Destiny has a lot of potential, but I just hope they constantly add more to the gameplay to keep it from going stale.

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