And shove metal everywhere.
Metal which has been recovered from the scraps of puny Hunter "armor". We titans have a more sophisticated way of being armored: To the bone. And an even better way to kill things at close range: Punching.
Titans...are like fighter from 8 bit theatre... just better ignored till we need someone to punch something in the face
Or until someone needs some swordchucks.
Well played
[quote]Meanwhile the Titans just sit back...[/quote] And get sniped.
You should find one of those "DIS GON B GUD" Gifs. It would go perfectly with this topic. LOL
You asked and you shall receive http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140712002934/ssb/images/6/61/Dis-gon-b-gud.gif http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/605/905/45c.gif or my personal favourite http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iLbS-5dQh84/ULfBPdFES-I/AAAAAAAADjQ/rWa-E47fhUA/s1600/dis-gun-be-good.gif
Badass chair