So, very simple, this is a request for a map that clears/expands as you explore an area. (Fallout style)
I have gone exploring for hours and found myself coming back to repeated areas. I love exploring but definitely not blindly, roaming every corner of the galaxy is one of the features I am looking forward in Destiny, I don't think I will be able to enjoy it as much just doing it without knowing where I have been.
There could even be trophies/achievements and rewards linked to it, idk just throwing ideas out there.
Please answer and comment maybe we can get DeeJ to read this and pass the message along for our chance at a Map!
Edited by asanctum: 7/24/2014 5:10:35 PMI would say to have a blank map which only gets partially filled in. Specifically with only major landmark areas. Which will be few I suspect. This way you still have the exploration aspect but you also have some sort of idea as to where things are. So for example, there is a shack with an impotant character, or something, somewhere. That is the type of thing that would be marked. But if you have some sort of special area (an area where particular enemies spawn?) of sorme sort, that wil remain unmarked. This way you know the area is soemwhere in the vecinity of the shack. But you still need to go find the exact location. P.S- no idea if its feasable.